Monday, September 27, 2010

Kick His A$$, Coach!

I value my livelihood too much to punch an idiot in the throat for disrespecting me. That motto has lead me to lead a life of turning in early on Friday evenings. The past four years I've restricted my outings to three venues because I know the likelihood of a fight occuring at those places is like President Obama getting caught in the oval office with an intern and a cigar. Even though I've taken extensive measures not to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, trouble has found me from time to time on the basketball court.

One particular character, ToughGuy, didn't like me very much. Truthfully, I couldn't stand him either. His attitude sucked. He was arrogant. To top it off, he wasn't a very good player or teammate. Our problems began during a playoff game when I was an Assistant Coach with the team.

(ToughGuy is chiding the refs from the bench)
Me: You need to chill out, man. We're going to pick up a tech if you don't stop.
ToughGuy: I don't care! It's not like I'm getting into the game.
Me: So because you aren't playing that gives you cause to act like an idiot?
ToughGuy: Yup.
Me: If that's the attitude you're gonna take on, then go back to the locker room. We don't need that!
ToughGuy: Make me.
Me: What?!?
ToughGuy: Yeh. You ain't gonna do shit!
Me: Man, don't let the shirt and tie fool you! WE CAN DO THIS!!
ToughGuy: OH YEH!! We can do this when we get back to Worcester...

Being the adult in the situation, and realizing I had let my temper get the best of me, I pulled him aside when we got back to Worcester and apologized for threatening him. Beating up an 18 year old wasn't going to accomplish anything. The following year, my first as Head Coach, I made the mistake of keeping him on the team. His follow-up act to that bench display was far more egregious.

1 comment:

  1. Why wouldn't it? He got away with it the first time.. and obviously there was no lesson taught
