Bubblees are a product of two extremes--neglect (or abandonment) and coddling. The stories from this past week may seem random, but there's one subtle common denominator, the Enabler.
In the case of Flash and Blanco, it's difficult to tell if the chicken came before the egg--or vice versa. Neverthless, their way of being has been encouraged by people who have failed to hold them accountable.
Once Boobee accepted Flash's story of being infected with chlamydia through his friend's shorts, she inadvertently communicated that his filandering was okay. Flash clearly has a ton of issues going on, most of which came about long before his girlfriend entered the story. Boobee hasn't caused Flash to be a cheater or liar. However, she has unwittingly encouraged his behavior by not having him pay a consequence for cheating.
Blanco had a situation in which it seems he didn't have to answer to anybody. I believe his mother was incredibly supportive and meant well in bringing him to the gym to play. Sitting there without saying a word while he played for over an hour is (to me) over the top. He never walked over to ask if she was fine sitting in a corner by herself. The message in that situation was, do whatever you want. In the one instant where I held him accountable for being disrespectful, it snowballed into an unnecessary display of defiance.
So far, I have yet to conclude that Bubblees operate in total solitude. Along the way, somebody has said that it's okay to behave in this deficient manner.
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