Trojans likes to ejaculate in the vagina. Condoms aren't his thing, especially when the girl looks good. I warned him about that, but he kept doing his thing. Unfortunately, many of us have to learn lessons the hard way in life. Trojans got a dose of reality that I hope he'll never forget.
On a night out, Trojans met a "married" woman. Based on what Trojans told me about her, she's among the breed of folks who get married because it seems cool. These days, people can't distinguish between liking somebody a lot and loving a person. The warm and fuzzy feeling is enough for some folks to declare their undying love for another person. Sure, people fall out of love but I don't think that happens within a few months. I don't believe true love can dissolve so quickly. That's the society we live in now, however. When people like me err on the side of caution with using the L word, they're accused of being too guarded.
Trojans and the married woman hit it off quickly. After they met on a night out, they shacked up. He asked some questions and concluded that she was unhappily married. I don't think a conversation was needed to realize that, but that's just me. She told him that her husband was impotent and she wanted children. Being in her mid 30s, she wanted to pop one out asap because of her biological clock. Knowing that Trojans doesn't like condoms, I thought it would be good to talk about this particular situation before it got out of hand.
Me: You say she's unhappily married.
Trojans: Yeh yo. Like, she's really not feelin' this dude. She says leaving him is complicated.
Me: Of course she's gonna say that. So you're tryin to wife this chick now? Does she talk about her husband? You realize dude could be crazy, right?
Trojans: Nah. I ain't tryin to wife it. I didn't even think about the husband bit, honestly. He's some Italian dude--a fireman. Honestly, he sounds like a bitch!
Me: He's an Italian fireman and you think he's a bitch? You bring her to your place?
Trojans: Yeh.
Me: How do you know she's not being followed.
Trojans: Good point. You're makin me paranoid, man!
Me: I mean, that is somebody's wife. Most spouses know when they're gettin' played. Just sayin.
Trojans: Yeh. You're right. So you think I should end it?
Me: Dog, she's married! This isn't good! Are you serious??
Trojans: There's a problem, though.
Me: What's that?
Trojans: She called me the other day talkin about being late. I'm buying her a test asap to see what's good!
Me: You weren't wearing a condom!! Wow! Are you for real?
Trojans: Yeh. Wreckless, man.
It turned out that she was pregnant. A few days after finding out, Trojans accompanied her to a clinic so that she could have an abortion.