Thursday, August 4, 2011


Chubbs has some shady friends. He realizes they aren't the best company, but according to him the pickings are slim when it comes to finding quality people at school. The teens who live in his neighborhood are just as troubled, so Chubbs just rolls with whoever he can get along with. This has yielded an unfortunate reality for him. Among his friends (male and female) Chubbs finds himself as one of the only non-sexually active boys even though he just turned 14 this year.

Chubbs isn't involved in any afterschool programs because there aren't any available in his town. The nearest YMCA, for instance, is twenty minutes away by car. However, his mother typically works twelve hour shifts so hanging out there isn't an option. As a result, he's home alone afterschool everyday with nothing to do but watch tv, play video games, and complete his homework.

His mother, for good reason, doesn't let him venture out into the neighborhood. She doesn't want him getting mixed up with the shadiness going on. Unfortunately, while he's staying out of trouble for the time being he's growing increasingly frustrated with being confined to his apartment. Meanwhile, he keeps hearing stories about what his friends are doing outside of school (and sometimes even in school) to keep busy in this boring town. Even though Chubbs swears that he hasn't gotten down and dirty like his friends, it seems like he's past due for some action since his outlets for self expression are limited.

Chubbs is adamant that he has everything under control. He doesn't see himself sliding like his friends. Like most teenagers, Chubbs thinks he understands how to navigate the terrain.

Me: Look, man. I was young when I decided to have sex but I regret it.
Chubbs: Why?
Me: I wasn't ready. Not only that, I was putting myself at risk for a lot. I thought I had a handle on the STD thing but I didn't know jack.
Chubbs: We learn about all that at school. It doesn't stop people from doing whatever.
Me: You learn about herpes and how it could be transmitted even with a condom on?
Chubbs: Yeh. We learn about all of that. There are girls at school who give head for fun. They don't care.
Me: Goodness! Really???
Chubbs: My grade was bad! Didn't you read about what happened to that kid at my school in the newspaper?
Me: No.
Chubbs: My friend got high on oxycodone under the table in the cafeteria.
Me: And this is your friend?
Chubbs: Yeh. Well, I don't do that stuff so it's whatever.

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