Wednesday, July 6, 2011

99 Problemos

Poyo may have stepped in some serious caca. He's now facing possible jail time for selling weed. The last time I saw Poyo he claimed that he was trying to stop, but apparently he didn't jump ship soon enough. Now, the little bit of progress he has made academically and the part-time gig he just got could all go up in smoke.

When Poyo told me he was hustlin', he didn't convey any fear of getting caught. That left me to assume he was better at his trade than the average dealer. Clearly, I was wrong. His clock was just ticking.

Before he could tell me how his cover got blown, I assumed some serious operation went down. I thought he was being followed by detectives and got pinched during a raid. The other scenario I imagined was that he sold stuff to an undercover. It turned out that I was way off.

Me: How'd you get caught? 
Poyo: It was stupid, man. Real stupid.
Me: Did you sell to an undercover?
Poyo: Nah. Not even that. I wish it was that. lol
Me: The cops didn't just pull you over, did they?
Poyo: Yeh. They pulled me over cuz I drove by a cop car that pulled somebody else over.
Me: Are you talking about that new "Move Over" law?
Poyo: Yeh. I guess I was supposed to change lanes, but whateva. 
Me: Okay, but how'd they know you had stuff in the car?
Poyo: I blazed in the car and my eyes was red so when he smelled the weed he told me to step out the car.
Me: And?
Poyo: They asked me if I had stuff in the car and I told em yeh. I said I had stuff in the trunk. My whole stash was back there.
Me: How much?
Poyo: A good amount, man. And they found some more in my glove compartment. I forgot I put stuff in there too. 

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